中国环境管理:政策与制度=Environmental Management in China:Policies and Institutions:英文

中国环境管理:政策与制度=Environmental Management in China:Policies and Institutions:英文

  • 作者
  • 吴婧、张一心 著

《中国环境管理:政策与制度》(Environmental Management in China:Policies and Institutions)以英文形式全面系统总结了中国当代环境管理政策与制度的发展历程,生动展现真实、立体的中国环境管理全貌,为推动一带一路绿色发展传播中国声音。全书共19章,第1章是环境管理行政管理的演化;第2章阐述了环境管理指导思想的产生和发展;第3章至第16章介...

  • ¥188.00

ISBN: 978-7-122-37588-9

版次: 1

出版时间: 2020-10-01









《中国环境管理:政策与制度(Environmental Management in China: Policies and Institutions )》以英文形式全面系统总结了中国当代环境管理政策与制度的发展历程,生动展现真实、立体的中国环境管理全貌,为推动一带一路绿色发展传播中国声音。全书共19章,第1章是环境管理行政管理的演化;第2章阐述了环境管理指导思想的产生和发展;第3章至第16章介绍我国主要环境管理政策与制度的发展历程、特点及其成效,包括环境规划制度、环境影响评价制度、三同时制度、排污收费和环境保护税制度、环境保护目标责任制、排污许可制度、污染集中控制、总量控制制度、公众参与制度与环境信息公开制度、生态保护红线制度、区域联防联控、生态环境损害赔偿制度、清洁生产制度、生态补偿制度等;从第17章到第19章,介绍了我国环境保护在大气、水和土壤方面的重要任务。附录给出了主要法律、法规、条例、措施等的中英文对照表,以供参考。 本书可供高等院校环境专业作为教材使用,还可供从事环境保护、环境管理等领域的科研人员阅读参考。


In China, environmental protection work was formally commenced in 1973.Through continuous learning process of exploration, execution, review, and amendment on the implementation of environmental protection work, a set of environmental management system, conforming to China’s national conditions, has been gradually established to provide effective assurance for strengthening environmental protection. During the initial stage of China’s environmental protection work, from 1973 to 1979, the “Three Synchronizations”, the “Environmental Impact Assessment”, and the “Emission Fees for Noncompliance”, also known as the “Three Old Management Schemes”, were put forward and implemented to find the basis of administrative management system for China’s environmental protection work and to denote the institutionalization of China’s environmental protection work. In addition, the Three Old Management Schemes had generated significant effects on pollution prevention and control for existing and new pollution sources to greatly promote the establishment and execution of China’s environmental protection work. In 1989, during the Third National Conference on Environmental Protection, through the experience learned from the practice of environmental protection work and the establishment of environmental management system, the idea that the pathway of China’s environmental protection work should be in line with China’s national conditions was put forward. Thus, five different environmental management schemes, including the “Liability System for EnvironmentalProtection Objectives”, the “Quantitative Performance Evaluation on Comprehensive Environmental Governance for Urban Environment”, the “Centralization of Pollution Control”, “Deadline for Attainment”, and the “Emission Permit”, also known as the “Five New Management Schemes”, were promulgated. And the basic institutional framework of China’s environmental management was then founded on these eight environmental management schemes, including the Three Old Management Schemes and the Five New Management Schemes.
In the twenty-first century, as the emphasis of environmental protection was gradually shifted from governing pollution to improving environmental quality and promoting environmental service functions, the orientation of environmental management was inevitably adjusted from pollution control to the enhancement of environmental quality. And, the perception of environmental protection was then changed from abating pollution to preventing pollution, including: To put environmental protection first, to promote environmental service functions, and to enhance the production capacity of ecological goods. Consequently, several effective environmental management systems and measures were progressively promulgated and implemented. For example, in the “Total Emission Cap”, emission cap was determined for major pollutants as the binding indicator to be incorporated into the National Economic and Social Development Plan. In the “Environmental Monitoring and Emergency Response Management System”, six regional Environmental Protection Supervision Centers, including North, East, South, North East, North West, and South West, were set up, directly under the Ministry of Environmental Protection (the MEP), to deal with the cross-regional and crosswatershed environmental regulatory issues. In the Law of the People’s Republic of China on Promoting Cleaner Production and the Law of the People’s Republic of China on Promoting Circular Economy, pollution control on sources and processes was stipulated. In the “Information Disclosure and Public Participation”, environmental information disclosure and public participation in environmental impact assessment were continuously strengthened. In the “Environmental Economy Policy System”, a framework consisting of green credit, insurance, trade, price of electricity, stock, taxation, etc. was constructed prelimi-narily. Meanwhile, some environmental management schemes incompatible with social and economic development were gradually phased out. For example, “Quantitative Performance Evaluation on Integrated Environmental Governance for Cities” was terminated in 2012, and the “Deadline for Attainment” was deleted from the 2014 Amendment of the Law of the People’s Republic of China on Environmental Protection (the EP Law 2014).

Tianjin, China Jing Wu
Huhhot, China I-Shin Chang


吴婧,南开大学环境科学与工程学院,教授。现任南开大学战略环境评价研究中心副主任,从事环境政策、环境规划与管理、环境评价方面的教学、培训与科研工作。兼任南开大学联合国教科文组织(UNISPAR/UNESCO)环境管理教席秘书,香港中文大学中国环境战略研究中心,项目主任 。持有中华人民共和国环境影响评价工程师职业资格证书、中华人民共和国法律职业资格证书、清洁生产审核师证书。全国环境损害司法鉴定机构登记评审专家库(国家库)专家。主持国家自然科学基金、国家社科基金重点项目子课题等省部级科研项目和国际合作项目10余项。

张一心,男,博士,副教授。长期从事环境保护相关的研究与实践工作。自2009年起任教于内蒙古大学环境与资源学院,主要讲授环境规划学、环境管理学和环境科学与工程专业英语等课程。担任国际知名期刊的编辑委员(Environmental Impact Assessment Review);担任国际知名期刊审稿人(Renewable and Sustainable Energy Review, Journal of Cleaner Production, Environmental Impact Assessment Review, etc.),中国环境科学学会高级会员,内蒙古自治区标准化专家和内蒙古自治区气象学会理事。主要研究领域为区域可持续发展、环境规划与管理和环境评价,已主持、参与省部级科研项目和国际合作项目8项。


《中国环境管理:政策与制度》(Environmental Management in China:Policies and Institutions)以英文形式全面系统总结了中国当代环境管理政策与制度的发展历程,生动展现真实、立体的中国环境管理全貌,为推动一带一路绿色发展传播中国声音。全书共19章,第1章是环境管理行政管理的演化;第2章阐述了环境管理指导思想的产生和发展;第3章至第16章介绍我国主要环境管理政策与制度的发展历程、特点及其成效,包括环境规划制度、环境影响评价制度、三同时制度、排污收费和环境保护税制度、环境保护目标责任制、排污许可制度、污染集中控制、总量控制制度、公众参与制度与环境信息公开制度、生态保护红线制度、区域联防联控、生态环境损害赔偿制度、清洁生产制度、生态补偿制度等;从第17章到第19章,介绍了我国环境保护在大气、水和土壤方面的重要任务。最后给出了主要法律、法规、条例、措施等的中英文对照表,以供参考。


Chapter 1 Administration on Environmental Management        1
1.1 The History of the MEE                              1
1.2 Structure and Functions of the MEE                     3

Chapter 2 Evolution of China’s Environmental Policy           7
2.1 In the 1970s: The Principles of National Environmental Protection           7
2.2 In the 1980s: The Principles of Three-Simultaneity and Three-Unification     8
2.3 In the 1990s: Sustainable Development                   9
2.4 In the 2000s: Scientific Outlook on Development            10
2.5 In the 2010s: Ecological Civilization                     12
2.6 Concluding Remarks    14
Reference      15

Chapter 3 Environmental Planning                          17
3.1 The Development of Environmental Planning               17
3.2 Environmental Protection and the Plan of National Economic and Social Development    21
3.2.1 Environmental Protection During the 6th FYP (1981–1985)    23
3.2.2 Environmental Protection During the 7th FYP (1986–1990)      24
3.2.3 Environmental Protection During the 8th FYP (1991–1995)    25
3.2.4 Environmental Protection During the 9th FYP (1996–2000)   25
3.2.5 Environmental Protection During the 10th FYP (2001–2005)     26
3.2.6 Environmental Protection During the 11th FYP (2006–2010)     28
3.2.7 Environmental Protection During the 12th FYP (2011–2015)     29
3.2.8 Ecological and Environmental Protection During the 13th FYP (2016–2020)  30
3.3 The Coordination and Integration of Multiple Plans          31
References             34

Chapter 4 Environmental Impact Assessment                  35
4.1 The Concept and Principles of EIA                      35
4.2 The Development of EIA Globally                      36
4.3 The Development of EIA in China                      37
4.3.1 Initial Phase (1973–1978)                       37
4.3.2 Early Implementation Phase (1979–1989)           37
4.3.3 Improvement Phase (1990–2002)                 39
4.3.4 Breakthrough Phase (2003–2014)                 41
4.3.5 Reform (2015–Date)                           42
4.4 The Legal Framework of EIA in China                   43
4.5 EIA for Project (Project EIA)                          45
4.5.1 Categorization for Project EIA                   46
4.5.2 Process for Project EIA                        46
4.5.3 Documentation for Project EIA                   46
4.5.4 Public Participation in Project EIA                48
4.5.5 Review and Decision on the EIA Documents         49
4.5.6 EIA Follow-up for Construction Project            52
4.6 Regional EIA (REIA)                                53
4.7 EIA for Plan (PEIA)                                 54
4.7.1 Applicable Scope of PEIA                      54
4.7.2 Roles and Responsibilities                      55
4.7.3 Approaches and Requirements of PEIA             56
4.7.4 Public Participation in PEIA                     56
4.7.5 Submission and Review of the PEIA Documents      58
4.7.6 Approval of Plan                             58
4.7.7 EIA Follow-up for Plan                        58
4.8 Certificate System of EIA Consultancy (Revoked in 2018)     59
4.9 Management of Qualified EIA Practitioners                60
4.10 Prospects of EIA in China                             61
References                       62

Chapter 5 Three Synchronizations System                     63
5.1 The Development of the Three Synchronizations System      63
5.2 The Requirements of the Three Synchronizations System      66
5.2.1 Synchronous Design                           66
5.2.2 Synchronous Construction                      67
5.2.3 Synchronous Operation                         67
5.2.4 Roles and Responsibilities                      67
5.2.5 The Violation                                68
References                                 68

Chapter 6 Emissions Charges System and Environmental Protection Tax System         69
6.1 Development of the Emissions Charges System             69
6.2 The Content of the Emissions Charges System              72
6.2.1 The Payer                                  72
6.2.2 Category and Amount of Pollutant Emission         72
6.2.3 Category of the Emissions Charges                72
6.2.4 Charge Rates                                73
6.2.5 Collection and Utilizations of the Emissions Charges     73
6.3 The Environmental Protection Tax System                 75
6.3.1 Who Pays the Environmental Protection Tax         80
6.3.2 Items Subject to the Environmental Protection Tax    80
6.3.3 Basis and Rate of the Environmental Protection Tax   82
6.3.4 Preferential Policy                            83
6.3.5 Monitoring and Enforcement                     83
References                              84

Chapter 7 Target Responsibility System of Environmental Protection and Performance Evaluation System  85
7.1 The Formation and Development of the Target Responsibility System of Environmental Protection  85
7.2 Targets of Environmental Protection and Indicators Setting     88
7.3 Target Setting                         88
7.4 Performance Evaluation                88
7.5 Shared Responsibility of Ecological and Environmental Protection for Government and Party    90
7.6 The Audit of Natural Resources Assets for Leading Cadres While Leaving Office   92
References                              93

Chapter 8 Centralized Pollution Control System                 95
8.1 Centralized Heating in Urban Areas                      96
8.2 Centralized Pollution Control of Wastewater               97
8.3 Centralized Pollution Control of Municipal Solid Waste       100
8.3.1 Landfill                                    101
8.3.2 Incineration                                 101
References                      103

Chapter 9 Emission Reporting, Registration and Permit System     105
9.1 The Formation and Development of the Emission Permit System   105
9.2 Implementation Process of the Emission Reporting, Registration, and Permit System   108
9.2.1 Reporting and Registering Pollutant Emission        108
9.2.2 Verifying Pollutant Emission                    108
9.2.3 Issuing the Emission Permit                     108
9.2.4 Supervision and Management for the Emission Permit     109
9.3 Essentials of the Emission Permit System                 109
9.3.1 Who Shall Apply for the Emission Permit           109
9.3.2 An Integrated Emission Permit                   109
9.3.3 Procedure to Apply for the Emission Permit         109
9.3.4 Conditions for Obtaining an Emission Permit        110
9.3.5 Evaluate and Determine the Allowable Emission Based on EIA Results   110
9.3.6 Self-reporting and Self-monitoring                 110
9.3.7 Information Disclosure and Public Supervision       111
9.3.8 Enforcement and Responsibilities                 111
9.4 Pilot Program of Emissions Trading System                113
References                 114

Chapter 10 Emissions Cap System                           115
10.1 Establishment and Development of the Emissions Cap System     115
10.2 Objective Classifications of Emissions Cap                119
10.2.1 Emissions Cap Based on Environmental Capacity     119
10.2.2 Emissions Cap Based on Environmental Target       119
10.2.3 Emissions Cap Based on Previous Emissions         120
10.2.4 Emissions Cap Based on Cost Benefit Analysis       120
10.3 Pollutants Classification of Emissions Cap                 120
10.3.1 Emissions Cap of Water Pollutants                121
10.3.2 Emissions Cap of Air Pollutants                  121
10.3.3 Emissions Cap of Pollutants Discharged into the Sea  122
10.4 Measures of Emissions Cap                            122
10.4.1 Evaluations on the Emissions Cap System During the 11th FYP       122
10.4.2 Target Setting                               124
10.4.3 Verification and Auditing                       124
10.5 Final Remarks                         125
References                                126

Chapter 11 Joint Pollution Prevention and Control               127
11.1 The Need for Joint Air Pollution Prevention and Control      127
11.2 Key Regions and Key Points of Joint Air Pollution Prevention and Control       129
11.3 Key Tasks of Joint Air Pollution Prevention and Control      129
11.3.1 Optimizing the Regional Industrial Structure and Layout     129
11.3.2 Intensifying the Extent of Pollution Prevention and Control on Key Pollutants    130
11.3.3 Promoting the Comprehensive Utilization of Clean Energy       131
11.3.4 Intensifying Pollution Prevention and Control of Motor Vehicles      133
11.3.5 Improving the Regional Air Quality Monitoring System       134
References               135

Chapter 12 Public Participation and Environmental Information Disclosure         137
12.1 Legislative Process of Public Participation in Environmental Management        137
12.2 Channels of Public Participation in Environmental Management      141
12.3 Other Means of Public Participation in Environmental Management          143
12.4 Environmental Information Disclosure                    146
References                        149

Chapter 13 Restraining Redlines System of Ecological and Environmental Protection     151
13.1 The Initiation and Development                         151
13.2 Practices of Redline in Resources and Environment          153
13.2.1 Cultivated Land Redline                        153
13.2.2 Water Resource Redline                        154
13.2.3 Emission Cap Redline                         155
13.3 Framework Design for Redline in Resources and Environment     155
13.3.1 Upper Limit of Resource Consumption (Resource Consumption Cap)        156
13.3.2 Bottom Line of Environmental Quality (Environmental Quality Baseline)        157
13.3.3 Ecological Protection Redline                    158
References              158

Chapter 14 Compensation for Environmental Damage            161
14.1 International Experience                  162
14.1.1 In the United States                 162
14.1.2 In the European Union               163
14.2 Necessity                         163
14.3 Related Policies                  164
14.3.1 Scope of Application                165
14.3.2 Scope of Compensation                 165
14.3.3 Claimant to Compensation           165
References            166

Chapter 15 Cleaner Production           167
15.1 Initiation             168
15.2 Legal System Development        168
15.2.1 The Beginning Stage (1973–1992)                168
15.2.2 The Legalization Stage (1993–2002)               169
15.2.3 The Institutionalization Stage (2003–2005)          170
15.2.4 The Perfection Stage (2006 to Date)               170
15.3 Capacity Building              171
15.3.1 Institution Development         171
15.3.2 Professional Training           174
15.3.3 Guidelines and Standards          175
15.4 Mandatory Cleaner Production Audit        175
15.5 Recommendations for Promoting CP Development in China     177
15.6 Conclusions                      179
References                       179

Chapter 16 Ecological Compensation              181
16.1 Introduction               181
16.2 Development of ECMs              182
16.3 Financial Sources for ECM in China              184
16.3.1 Financial Transfer Payment            184
16.3.2 Special Funds                    186
16.3.3 Resource Taxation System             186
16.3.4 Payments for Ecological Compensation             187
16.4 Major Ecological Engineering Projects in China             188
16.4.1 Three-North Project                188
16.4.2 Natural Forest Protection                       189
16.4.3 Beijing-Tianjin Sandstorm Sources Governance       189
16.4.4 Returning Farmland to Forest/Grassland            189
16.4.5 Returning Rangeland to Forest/Grassland            190
16.5 ECM for Sector                          190
16.5.1 ECM for Forest              190
16.5.2 ECM for Coal Mining                         194
16.5.3 ECM for Grassland            197
16.6 ECM at Local Level                                 198
16.6.1 ECM for the Three Rivers Source District, Qinghai Province           198
16.6.2 ECM for Poyang Lake, Jiangxi Province            199
16.6.3 ECM for Nature Reserves, Hainan Province         199
16.6.4 The ECM for Natural Resource Utilization, Sichuan Province          200
16.6.5 The ECM for Watershed Conservation, Yunnan Province            200
16.7 Conclusions                    202
References           202

Chapter 17 Air Quality Governance in China                    205
17.1 General Features of Air Pollution                       205
17.2 Legal Institution and System                           206
17.3 Process of Development                              209
17.3.1 Phase I: Legal Institution Management for Air Pollution Control on Soot (from 1979 to 1997)   210
17.3.2 Phase II: Exploring Unified Regional Air Pollution Prevention and Control for Emerging Compound Pollution (from 1998 to 2012)                   212
17.3.3 Phase III: Integrating Unified Regional Air Pollution Prevention and Control for Compound Pollution (from 2013 to Date)                    214
17.4 Evaluations and Prospects                     217
References                          218

Chapter 18 Water Quality Governance in China                 219
18.1 Water Resources in China                             219
18.2 Water Pollution in China                              221
18.3 Laws and Regulations on Water Pollution Prevention and Control          223
18.4 Water Management in China                           225
18.5 Progress                             229
References                                231

Chapter 19 Land Resources Governance in China               233
19.1 Land Resources in China                   233
19.2 Land Resources Protection                     235
19.3 Land Resources Degradation and Land Pollution in China     236
19.3.1 Land Degradation                             236
19.3.2 Land Pollution                               236
19.3.3 Overall Spatial Distribution of Soil Pollution         237
19.3.4 Status Quo of Soil Pollution of Various Types of Land            237
19.4 Laws and Regulations on Land Pollution Prevention and Control        238
19.5 Challenges and Countermeasures                        244
19.5.1 Challenges                                  244
19.5.2 Countermeasures                             245
References               249

Comparison Tables              251
