

  • 作者
  • 郭宇、姜姗 编

科技小院是建立在农村生产一线,集科技创新、人才培养和示范推广于一体的基层科技服务平台,由研究生和教授常年紧密联系农业生产一线,解决农业研究与生产应用脱节、农业人才培养与农业生产结合不紧密、农业技术转化效果差的问题,并在生产一线开展实用技术创新。 将科技小院培养模式应用到非洲高校人才培养体系中,了解非洲农业生产需求,适应非洲农业生产一线的工作,将中国先进农业...

  • ¥69.00

ISBN: 978-7-122-41612-4

版次: 1

出版时间: 2024-04-01









本书描述了非洲留学生在科技小院的成长历程与故事,记录了他们扎根农业生产一线过程中的所见、 所闻、 所思, 通过以科技小院模式培养非洲研究生的新做法, 探索了服务非洲农业绿色发展的机制。




本书由来自非洲八个国家(埃塞俄比亚、尼日利亚、赞比亚、津巴布韦、莫桑比克、坦桑尼亚、塞内加尔、布基纳法索)的22名中非科技小院项目(Sino-Africa STB Project)研究生撰写,另外由中非科技小院项目学生助管郭宇、姜姗担任编者,留学生们以本书为窗口分享他们在中国学习的经历与见闻。同时本书也是根据中非科技小院项目的留学生在中国实践案例报告编写的,旨在为大家留下一份难忘的回忆。


Having postgraduate students live at the front line of production and living with villagers in a small courtyard in the village is not simply a short experience of life—they spend most of their three years as postgraduate students here to learn, exercise and grow. While giving lectures, solving production problems and providing services to local farmers, they also completed their research tasks and graduation thesis, and cultivated their spirit of hardship and hard work, as well as their ability to find practical problems, analyze them and solve them. This is the work model of STB pioneered by the team of academician Zhang Fusuo from the College of Resources and Environment of China Agricultural University in 2009 in China. It is a grass roots science and technology service platform established at the front line of rural production, integrating science and technology innovation, talent cultivation and demonstration and promotion, with postgraduates and professors in close contact with the front line of agricultural products all year round, solving the problems of disconnection between agricultural research and production application, poor integration between agricultural talent cultivation and agricultural production, and poor transformation of agricultural technology, and carrying out practical technological innovation at the front line of production.
Now we will further enrich the cultivation model of the STB and extend the talent cultivation model integrating agricultural science and technology innovation, social service and talent cultivation to the cultivation of international and innovative overseas talents. We will use the multidisciplinary teaching and research platform to promote the construction of the mechanism of agricultural talent cultivation, technology demonstration, product production and promotion in African countries. By transplanting the training model of STB into the talent training system of African universities, the students will understand the needs of agricultural production in Africa, adapt to the front-line work of agricultural production in Africa, apply Chinese advanced agricultural technology in Africa and make innovations cultivate high-quality talents who know China, befriend China, love China and are pro-China, serve the agriculture, rural areas and farmers in Africa on a large scale, improve the conditions and level of people’s livelihood, and promote local economic development in Africa.
The book uses international students as narrators to tell their stories in China to people around them and the world who are interested in the “Sino-Africa Science and Technology Backyard”, showing the most realistic pictures and their most sincere feelings. The book also serves as a medium for more people to get to know the model and the “Sino-Africa Science and Technology Backyard”.
This book is written by 22 graduate students from eight African countries (Ethiopia, Nigeria, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Tanzania, Senegal, and Burkina Faso) in the Sino-Africa STB Project, and edited by Guo Yu and Jiang Shan, student assistants of the Sino-Africa STB Project. This is a book about the experiences and insights of the international students studying in China. It is also written as a case report of international students’ practice in China for Sino-Africa STB Project, which can leave a precious memory for everyone.
This book took a long time from the call for papers to the publication, and was revised and improved many times. It has also received many valuable suggestions from teachers.
Therefore, we would like to express our special thanks to academician Zhang Fusuo, Professor Jiang Rongfeng, Associate Professor Jiao Xiaoqiang, and teachers of the Department of Plant Nutrition. They have given valuable advice in many aspects and spent a lot of their time, both during work and in their spare time, to ensure the smooth and high-quality completion of this book for publication.



My life in China: a tale of unforgettable experiences 1

Living my dreams in China 14

My journey to delightful life and hands-on learning in China 22

Working Experience in China 31

My journey to achieving my goals: Study in China 39

From Africa to Asia: My China’s life experience 50

My experience in Quzhou County at Quzhou Experimental Station 56

The first appearance on Chinese soil—a dream turned into reality 66

My life in China, practical experience at Quzhou 81

Into the unknown: My China Experience 86

My most memorable experience 97

My life history in China 101

Filling the Void! My China Experience 104

Learning Expedition: My Experiences in an Agrarian-Rural Community in China 114

My most wonderful discoveries in China 118

Between the lines of a Mozambican student looking for solutions to Hunger 126

Exquisite tale of my life in China 135

The ultimate Chinese experience—agriculture, language and friendship 143

The summary of my history at China Agricultural University and Quzhou Experimental Station 153

My story in China and Quzhou Experimental Station 158

My unforgettable life in Beijing, China 164

Dream hunter: My successful agricultural experiences in China 167
